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Friday, April 27, 2007

First sms ad from mGinger

A few days back I had written a post on mGinger explaining why its business concept should work in India. Looks like they have started off today, or so it seems as I received an sms ad from mGinger this morning. It was an ad by Travelmart India with giving out a special offer followed by a mobile number. My immediate reaction was to login to mGinger to see if there is any change in my earnings. Check out the screenshot. It says that I have earned Rs. 0.20 because of the ad I got this morning and a referral earning of Rs. 0.80 thus summing up my earnings at Rs. 1. :) That's good for a starter I guess. Now I am gonna wait and watch till my earnings reach Rs. 300 so that I can redeem it.
All those who want to give mGinger a shot can do so through this link.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes u r right!!! It really works!! mGinger will rock India